Friday, June 12, 2009

Sydney Night Lights

On Monday night we braved the crisp, cold, snappy Sydney winter weather to do a little walk around town and see a series of installations. Called the Smart Light Sydney Walk, there were 25 different stations with art involving light and colour. Obviously you can only do it at night and it really was a sight to behold. Here are some of the highlights:

The MCA lit up in different colours and patterns every 30 seconds
The Opera House close up - the colours shifted gradually, so you didn't notice orange turning to blue until orange was blue.

A giant vase of flowers

A wall of rainbow people

And on our walk home across the bridge, a stunning final colour show on the Opera House.


UniqueDichroic said...

Wow! That would be fabulous to see!

planettreasures said...

The oprea house looks great! I think they should have it like that all the time!

Unknown said...

WOW, They are amazing. I think they are doing some thing similar in Melbourne too.

lyptis said...

Looks awesome, especially the Finale!

Not keen on the vase tho, looks like somebody dumped a bunch of 90's raver glow sticks into a rubbish bin!:P

Beadsme said...

So pretty. I want to see it now.

BonTons said...

The Opera house looks spectacular!

Erika said...

Makes me wish I was in Sydney... The opera house looks beautiful, especially in that last shot.

Anastasia said...

amazing isnt it? what a beautiful city we live in!